Military History:
Lieutenant 20th N.C. Infantry. Wounded at Chancellorsville May 1863.
Captured at Gettysburg, July 1st 1863. Imprisoned at Johnson’s Island
until March, 1865.
Letter Content:
Mostly religious. Mentions soldiers have lectures on the Bible and prayer every
night. Mentions that “all the surgeons have been sent south” Letter paper
embossed “Carsons.”
Letter Cover:
Contains both Sandusky, OH and Richmond, VA stamps as well as bulls eye stamp
and “due 10” stamp to show that 10 cents was due upon delivery. Letter examined
and stamped by examiner G.A.R. Marked “For Flag of Truce.”
The Letter Reads:
Nov. 26th
My Dear Ma,
I know you will be rejoiced to hear that I have embraced the
religion of Jesus Christ. For three months I have been convicted of my
exceeding sinfulness. I found no relief until a few evenings since. I am surprised
to see what a course I have been pursuing since the war began. With God’s help I
will live a new man. Ma you don’t know how anxious I am to tell you what a
precious Savior I have found. I almost despaired of ever finding relief, but
believing those who mourn will be comforted: I made new resolves until the Holy
Spirit proclaimed peace sweet peace. There is considerable interest manifested in
religious affairs. May the good work continue. We have a lecture on the Bible
and a prayer every night. Capt Wright pleased us with a visit to this place
about two weeks since. Like the rest he is anxious to return. All are well. Heard
from Dr. Hicks a few days ago. All the surgeons have been sent south from this
place. I guess he is in Dixie by this time. I have had only one letter from
home. It is strange we don’t hear oftener. Joe received one a few days ago
dated Nov. 14th. Pray for your affectionate.
Son, A. D. Hicks
Great letter, I look forward to seeing more.